Tips From a Private Costa Mesa Tutor: 4 Things You Can do in February to Improve Grades
February is an excellent time of year for students to take a look at their grades and take the time to make improvements if necessary. There’s plenty of time left before the end of the school year to improve individual assignment grades or just work on having an overall higher GPA. College prep students are not yet burdened with spring testing season making it an excellent time to focus on grades. Younger students don’t have as much going on after school due to winter weather and won’t feel so bad sitting inside to focus on academics. Each student is an individual, and their academic needs and priorities will change throughout their K-12 experience. However, there are a few tried-and-true strategies that students can work on at every level -our private Costa Mesa tutors are here to help you improve your grades this February.
1. Personal organization
Just about every student, and at every level, can benefit from improved organization. It’s so easy for students to forget due dates or details of class assignments and end up handing in a paper that didn’t quite meet the teacher’s requirements or study the wrong chapters for an important test or quiz. This is essentially wasted energy because the student spent a lot of time focusing on an assignment, just not the right one. When students get help with organization, their grades improve dramatically, and they are usually less fatigued and more excited about their education in general (READ: 4 Reasons to Focus on SAT Tutoring Now).
2. Individual help
Another thing students can focus on, whether they’re in 2nd grade or applying to college, is getting individualized help based on their current GPA. Most students have one or two subjects that are a little bit more challenging than others and can easily find themselves falling behind at this point in the year. Students who work on difficult subjects with a private tutor stay on track and experience less stress in the classroom environment. Even one hour a week can help students tackle challenging concepts and gives them the opportunity to ask specific questions at a pace that’s appropriate for them as an individual learner.
3. Motivation
Most students struggle with motivation in the middle of winter because it’s harder for them to get outside and maintain their energy levels. They’ve also been in the classroom for several months, yet summer break is still far away. Younger students need extra motivation from parents or their tutor to help them continue to focus on assignments. Older students benefit from looking at the big picture and remembering that their grades can make a big difference when it comes to college admissions. On the other hand, some students are overwhelmed at this point in the year and need to take more breaks or focus on a work-life balance.
4. Personal strengths and weaknesses
This is also a great time of year for students to focus on their strengths and weaknesses. Some students excel in core subjects but cannot stay organized and study efficiently. Others are very well organized but need help with complicated math and English topics. The best resource for students who are determining their strengths and weaknesses is the classroom teacher. Students and parents can talk with the teacher to figure out what they might be able to work on to improve grades in difficult classes. If a student has been working with a private tutor throughout the year, they can also talk with them about patterns that have emerged or any information specific to that individual student that could be helpful.
Don’t wait until you fall behind in your classes to book a tutor. Our experienced Costa Mesa academic tutors are here to help you succeed. Call TutorNerds today for more information on our Costa Mesa tutoring.