Make the Most of Your First Week Back to School With These Four Tips
It starts with a commercial in July. Wait, did they say something about back to school? Couldn’t be possible, it’s too early. Next, you see school supplies popping up at CVS and Target. You start to panic. Is summer over? Just like that, it’s time to prepare for a new school year. Though it is sad to see summer go, back to school is an exciting time of year. You get to find out who is in your classes, school activities such as sports start back up, and you get a fresh start. No matter how the previous year went, a new school year is the perfect opportunity to set a new standard of success.
Here are four tips from a private Orange County academic tutor for your first week back to school!
1. Book a private tutor
Too many students wait until their first report card to seek help. The last thing you want to do is get behind early in your classes. For this reason, we recommend booking a private academic tutor during your first week. Students are often a little rusty in the fall, so it’s essential to have a little extra help brushing up on what you learned the previous year as well as getting ahead on new course material. Remember that teachers can’t wait for every student to catch up before moving on, they have schedules they must stick to. A private Orange County tutor is the perfect way to stay on top of your schoolwork from the first week and beyond.
2. Create a master calendar
Students will most likely receive a detailed course syllabus from each teacher. Programs will often include due dates, test dates, and other important deadlines. At the end of your first week, take an hour to put all critical dates into a master calendar, which you will check every day, or at least every Monday. Once coursework picks up, it will be hard to remember all of your due dates if you’re always checking each syllabus (READ: 5 Reasons to Hire an Orange County Private Tutor).
3. Make new friends
This one is easier said than done, and it’s completely normal if meeting new people makes you uncomfortable. Set a goal to introduce yourself to at least one person in each of your classes. Establishing a friendship early in the year will help down the road when you need a study buddy or just someone to talk to about the course.
4. Join a club
A great way to get involved and make new friends is by joining a club. From foreign languages to the arts, most schools offer a wide range of clubs anyone can join. If you struggle in a particular course, join a club where you can get help from students who enjoy that class.
There you have it, Orange County! The first week back to school can be fun, but it also sets the pace for the rest of your year. Make the most of it with these four tips.
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