Don’t Cram For Your Exam, Irvine!
Cramming for a test is pretty much always a bad idea. Once in a blue moon you might do well on that particular exam, but it’s only due to luck. The best thing you can do for your brain is rest up the evening prior to a big exam. By allowing yourself some time to rest, you are giving yourself the best chance at having full use of your right and left brain, memory, and writing abilities on the big day. Cramming is usually a symptom of poor time management and, of course, time management is something that comes naturally to very few of us. Let’s look at some causes and solutions so that cramming can become a thing of the past, or at least a rarity.
Problem: You find yourself cramming the night before a test because you have forgotten about the deadline.
Solution: Get yourself a planner; it can be electronic, paper or anything that works. If you tend to forget your binder at school, keep a separate planner at home. You can use the notepad on your cell phone to write down important deadlines and then transfer it onto your planner at home. Send a text to a responsible friend or parent asking them to remind you that you have a test next week. Knowing when your exam is will help you plan ahead in the future.
Problem: You are cramming because you left things until the last minute.
Solution: Procrastination is very common and everyone does it once in a while. However, it can make your life more stressful than it needs to be. Create a reasonable timeline for your studies and hold yourself to it. If you find that this isn’t working, give a copy of your study timeline to your Irvine private tutor; she or he can help you reach each step of a goal.
Problem: You find out today, for the very first time, that your test is tomorrow. This happens from time to time, and your teacher may want to know who has been taking notes in class and paying attention.
Solution: Even if you are skilled at taking notes, you still have only one afternoon to study. Review your notes, skim through the important parts of the relevant chapters and do your best. Don’t stay up until midnight to try and squeeze in a few more bits of knowledge. You’re better off eating a healthy dinner and getting a good night sleep.
All of these things seem simple but are difficult when combined with multiple subjects to study for, sports, after school activities, family time, a part-time job and a social life. Give yourself time to adjust to any changes in a study schedule and do your best.
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