California State Common Core Standards
Is your student meeting the new common core standards? Do you even know what they are. Take a deep breath, we know the new standards have been a headache for parents, students, and educators alike. The good news? Our Orange County private, in home tutors are here to help!
According to the state of California, a student should be able to demonstrate a certain criteria to be considered in line with the common core standards. Let’s take a look at what they say about independence and see if your child is meeting these guidelines. Below is a brief eight part list describing the standards, as well as our recommendations on how to achieve them. Remember, if you have any questions feel free to email us at: [email protected] or, if it’s a brief inquiry, tweet us:
A – A student should be able to ask for help when necessary as well as be able to seek out information through printed material (books, texts and online materials).
TutorNerds recommendation: Reading is a key element here, so the more books your child reads at a young age, the better. Piquing his or her curiosity in books is a challenge these days as a consequence the internet, but it’s not an impossible task. In fact, the internet can be to your advantage. Utilizing websites such as, is a great way to synthesizing literature and the internet.
B – Students also need to be able to “evaluate” and understand intricate texts “without prompting”. This essentially means that the student should be able to analyze information and be able to understand which elements of the text are important and which are not.
TutorNerds recommendation: This skill is learned over time and with practice, so starting young can be the path to success. For example, a great way to practice is by reading reports in local papers, such as the Orange County Register, then write a two to three sentence summary of the main points. Here’s a great help: 7 Critical Reading Strategies.
C – Students should also be “self directed” learners by the time they leave high school; they should be able to look for useful information on their own without distinct instructions. To illustrate, many college courses, especially higher level ones, assign readings, then ask students to integrate what they read into an exam question. Often, the professor won’t tell the students what pages or passages are the best for a high grade; it’s up to the student to know.
TutorNerds recommendation: Research projects are a useful tool when it comes to locating information, and can often be the best way to learn how to be a truly active learner. Problem solving in everyday life can also be a great step toward self-direction. For a younger child, something as simple as organizing their own homework binder or managing time with a list of at-home chores can help them get started. As for older students, a personal blog is a great place to research, organize the necessary information to publish an interesting post. Here’s an excellent article on student blogging: 5 Reasons Your Student Should Blog.
D – Students must know about “multiple disciplines”. If your kid is really into a particular subject, that’s great but they should also be learning about, and be able to communicate their understanding of, English, math, history, science etc…
My recommendation: Expose your child to education outside of the classroom. Let them see art in the real world by taking them to a museum or gallery. Science can become a lot more fun if they can do a hands-on project. Geometry can become more relevant if a child understands how a building stays upright due to correct measurements and weight distribution.
E – Students should also be able to “construct effective arguments”. What makes an argument “effective”? Can your child persuade another to see their point of view? Can they empathize with a character in a book that is different from them? Arguments can be both written and oral, so helping your child with both will get them to the place they need to be faster.
My recommendation: Allow your child to slowly become comfortable with public speaking at an early age. Look at a character or situation in a novel and ask you kid to argue for one side or the other. See if they can convince you. This is easier said than done so a support Irvine private tutor might also be helpful in this situation. Programs for older students, such as Model United Nations, are also very helpful.
Being independent both academically and socially is crucial for success in college and the workforce. Working to meet independence can also be helpful when it comes to studying for standardized tests, general exams, and completing assignments.
As mentioned before, TutorNerds is here to help your student gain confidence and competence in the new common core standards. In addition to our private, in home tutoring services, we relay daily tips, information, and educational news right here on our tutoring blog and through our twitter. Please help others get the TutorNerds advantage by sharing our posts. Thank you!
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